Monday, February 21, 2011

He took my art, broke my heart, and squashed the last of my hope

 He took my art, broke my heart, and squashed the last of my hope. 

I still love him and can't cope. I wish I could fight for him, but I can't bewitch his heart. Only make it beat for another - evidently. 
 Broken glass
I wish I could sleep my way down this slippery slope. I've no want for anything but him - food, drink, painting, dolls. All the things that gave me comfort seem meaningless. My once precious BJD's all boxed up. I'm now a blank piece of paper without any characteristic of caring.

( 8021V) ~> ( 8135V)


  1. I like watching your journal and i don't usually say anything, but I'm so sorry that you're having a shitty time and that you're heart broken. My thoughts and heart go out to you.

  2. "When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal." ~Author Unknown"
