Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You make yourself and your life.

BJD-Gaius-Kitty Ears - 10

You make yourself and your life. It's up to you how it goes.

You make time for the things and people you care about, the things and activities which are important you or are necessary.

We live our lives for us right? Its our life.

You may tell yourself that you are just busy and while that may be true. It doesn't mean that you don't have time to pay your bills, that you don't have time to run to the store for that drink you are thirsty for, that you don't have time to find out how your loved ones are doing, that you don't have time to say good morning, that you don't make time for that favorite TV show.

I've found myself on this roller coaster, and I have NEVER liked roller coasters.

I tend to not fare well when it comes to the sick stomach feeling which gravity can impose, but I know I'll survive and sometimes its fun to reflect on a time you were scared.

The experience of being scared lets you know you are alive, and appreciate when you are blissful.

(64 V)

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